2. Create subscriptions

One way you can monetize your audience on Hotline is to set up paid tiers your fans can subscribe to. Head over to profile and click on “Create A Paid Tier.” Feel free to get creative with background, title, and description to encourage your fans to subscribe. You can also give paid tier members access to your chat and allow them to DM you. Once you’ve set it up, click on “Publish Tier.”

You can create multiple passes with different durations and prices to target different types of fans. This is a great tool to encourage users to subscribe. For example, you can offer a discounted price for long subscriptions, or create a one-time pass for a special campaign you’re running. You decide how many days, weeks, or months you want your pass to last and how much you want to charge. Once you’re done setting up your passes, click on the X. You can edit your passes any time or delete your paid tiers by clicking on “Unpublish.”

Last updated